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You assume the role of Lazarus, a man suffering from amnesia due to a head wound. This supernatural tale is once again set in the town of Burkittsville, Maryland, this time taking place in the year 1886.

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What Legend of Coffin Rock lacks in fright factor, though, it makes up for with an intriguing storyline. Colors still aren't vibrant, but they merely make the landscape reminiscent of a pleasant mid-Winter day rather than housing an ominous and foreboding evil presence.

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Even the nighttime scenes are lit more brightly (perhaps there's a full moon?), causing this chapter of the trilogy to lack the same eerie and unsettling environments of its predecessor. Whereas Volume 1: Rustin Parr showed off the dark and foreboding textures of the Nocturne engine in full force, however, Coffin Rock incorporates a little more color and light. Legend of Coffin Rock, developed by Human Head Studios, is once again driven by the Nocturne engine. The timing of this second installment in the series hitting store shelves coincided almost perfectly with the release of the new film, Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2, not to mention that both the film and the game were strategically made available to the public very near Halloween, a time when consumers are more prone to search out products (games included) steeped in ghosts, ghouls, and various other occult related topics. Gathering of Developers continues their Blair Witch trilogy with the recent release of Blair Witch Volume 2: The Legend of Coffin Rock.

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